Smart kids exhibit
Cam biase evey yearnyer event yg mmg xkan miss
Will ensure ambik off daie or annual leave (opiz kite 365 days buka so kitenyer off xkan dpt every weekend)
Apa kata kalu layanzzz ajer pic yg sempat snap
The mag tht received
Kite dpt FOC entry sbb register kat website b4 13/4
Misi mencari chop
Yuppo my elder kids member SKFC

This wht kite dapat...
Byknyer n sonok tau
FOC monopoly ..
Just like kat umcs pg tyme tu gak dpt monopoly free
Thxs yea... Terus like terus dpt

Early bird goodie vag ( isyy goodie bag )
Nie tuk 100 kids ajer
Sesblm nie selalu ajer trlepas
Thiz year alhamdulilah dpt in 100 early birds to redeem the goodie bag

'Peep jap'


Then gi buat survey jap lat booth SKFC
Dapat lak nie...2 nama

Booth mcdonalds
Nie yg kami dapat
Blh trdapat byk sbb tgh pusin promoter a approach then pusing sikit promoter b and it continue's till kite register for burfdaie party at mcd without any deposit.
Still can cancel nytyme if kite x nak

The pack

Fulls with voucher

Then party pack

Ade 2 flr but kite focus kat 2nd flr ajer sbb hbby x ikut die drop ajer cukup tyne jemput ada hal katanyer
So next nickolodeanlak
Patutnyer ade sponge bob but we miss dok aibuk collect chop
Hasil rembatan selepas main kat booth game

Intreatwd kat sunquick booth
Beli prisa guava lak
Dpt free bottle drink

Tgh dok pusing2x air asia mascot tgh walk around so dpt spesial goodies- adv sky park x silap

Last sekali gie reddem sendirinyer goodies bag yg entitle
Hmmm apa tue x nampak sgt lar

Ini isinyer

Opsss sblm trlupa
Sempat gak survey hrg tilet ke little big vlub n hello kitty town
Kite trjebak and beli the ticket
Ishhh nasib baik x beli legoland gak
Kalu x, x tau bila nak gie
Kids x tahu lg and plan nak gie cuti sekolah nanti
So habis sudah ronda2x SK exhibit hr nie
Yupp sbb singgah beli meatballs and jumbo sausage...
Tringin lak dah dekat 1 mth ++++ x sempat singgah
Hbby- OMG sbb kalu kite cuti weekend mesti x lekat kat umah
Jumpa lag nanti
-nukilan dr owner umah melalui blogpress via public iphone