G.U.T mum
Growing up together
N3 hr nie dlm BI ye..
Thanks to friso team and derek 4 e invitation and hospitality..

Attendin a parentin event is the best moment ever as this is the tyme for us to share with others-mummy
Registration counter

"Enjoy the incredible journey of growing up together"...
If i as a housewife... My daie will be the best ever daie as i can see, feel and enjoy to see them growin, laughin and of coz i will not miss any moment of it
But if i'm a workin mum... Naaaaa....
I'm surely will miss the moments, seein them growin , spending tyme with them as most of my tyme will be travellin and workin..
By the tyme i'm bck, its only 3-4 hrs for me to spend with them which sometyme they might be on sleepin tyme alreadi (agree rite)

Friso launchin its new latest formulated product with new packaging.
New aspect in the formulated milk such as
-supporting digestive system which is good for children
-promoting functionin of the immune cells
-and the main one supporting antibodies production

As a mum we need to ensure that our child gettin the best ever nutrition so tht they will be healthy to perform their fav activities nor hobbies and grow up succesfully and happily.
thus, everyone knows that Friso milk is fresh from the farm in holand and it's fresh as the pic below -tagline-
"From grass to glass"

Good nutrition will helps to kills,to fights the bacteria and virus which can cause our children sick ..

Welcome speech by Madam Anja Henze...Marketing Director of Dutch Lady Industries...
In the speech contains
"Nowdays kids/children are more to latest technology and gadjets.. Is hard for us to find group of childrens doin outdoor or indoor activities with enjoyment and exciting..
Even now at restaurants, house even while vacation kids are more to technology..
So with this launchin hope we can fulfill the friso campaign be a G.U.T mum which we get our kids to grow up 2gether and sepnd tyme with us...
How's the new look ?
Friso new look

Close ups with Friso products..

N the launchin begins...
Celebrities mummy with ms anja on the new packagin
Sazzy falak,ms anja, belinda

The new look of friso product...
From mimmy...pink colour
To baby... Purple colour
To grown up... Orange colour

On the event itself we have celebrities mummy , and also peadtrician to share their experience with us ...
What is best, tips , and lots more
Like the idea of sazzy falak...
Let ur kids /children to explore everythin but still ensure not on danger...

Sazzy falak sharing his experience...
Twins... Luv them so cute..

Dr koh giving tips to us

My fav idol... ngai yuen with kids

Ngai yuen sharing info and exeprience having 4 kids..
How do we manage them

Launchin of G.U.T mummy
Everyone holdin the badge b4 pin it

Sazzy falak n belinda
Close up sazzy falak... (Luv her skin colour)

Belinda, ms anja and ngai yuen
Close up Ngai yuen- my idol

Celebrities mummy and ms anja after pin it the G.U.T mum badge...
All look stunnin...
Anyone interested do log to facebook and d/load the badge...
Mine done...

Me n my fav idol- ngai yuen..:)
Sempat chit chat jup pasal ikal mayang...

Men sazzy falak....
Curie masa die jup snap photo

Me and celebrities mummy-
Sazzy falak,belinda, me, Ngai yuen, Putri Azalea( fasha sanda in laws...interframe advertisement)

Kak ayu rafikah and celebrities mummy
Durin the event we was ask to write our pledge how to become G.U.T mum
Me wrote we as workin mum will be alwiz bz and miss all the moments. So wht i pledge i wants to see my baby boy Irfan to become fire fighter.
When he consume Friso the nutrition will helps him as fire fighter and of coz without havin a good antibodi the dream will not be fullfill..
Co-incident this month is 'our october family burfdaie" so hope so my bby boy dream can be fullfill... We was not advice on wht was the prize but hint given Friso will fullgill our pledge if we're the winner
While waitin for kak ayu takin photo at photo booth, they informed the winner
There was 3 winner and guess wht...
Yupp me...!!!!!
Me one of the winner..
When they call my name, me blurr...
No prize collectionon tht daie
The staff inform that they will call on collection of the prize..
Of coz me so eppie.... Heard prize wasnot bad
Neway will wait 4 e call

Of coz any event the one tht we're awaitin is refreshments...
Tadaaaa ... Our bfast



Pastry n murtabak ayam(delicious weii...)

Coffee n tea..
Again thanxs to Friso Team and Derek or the invitation.. Hope to jointmore events with u guys...
p/s: lunch also served tp x sempat ambil sbb lapar ...
nukilan dr puan owner umah melalui public iphone
0 k.i.t.e. p.u.n.y.a. k.o.t.a.k. k.o.m.e.n.:
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